An Indian strengthens Bilateral Relations with Bhutan with Nostalgic Drive

An Indian strengthens Bilateral Relations with Bhutan with Nostalgic Drive
On the occasion of 50 years of Friendship between India & Bhutan, a group of Indians took a step forward to strengthen the bilateral relations between both the nation. It is not everyday that you see people walk an extra mile to do something for their nation but this impossible journey was made possible through Prafull Dattaram Sawant along with his family & Friends.
 Any vacation where major population of the country only thinks about exploring the new places, shopping and enjoyment. Such was not the case with Patriot Prafull Dattaram Sawant, who along with his family and friends, decided to celebrate their vacation with a patriotic feeling.
Prafull (42), a public relation professional, along with his family and friends went to meet Miss Esha Srivastava, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of India in Bhutan and presented her a photo frame as a token of 50 years of Friendship which showcased the bond of India and Bhutan, where Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru & Indira Gandhi’s memory visit is seen along with the rare picture of Friendship Treaty signed in 1949 between India & Bhutan. Speaking about the unique memory frame presented by Prafull, Miss Esha Srivastava said, “We feel highly obliged to receive such a warm and memory booster that has beautifully described the 50 years bond of India and Bhutan. It is very rare to witness such a gesture and we at the embassy are truly mesmerized by Prafull Sawant’s efforts and thank him for the same.”
Expressing his views on this unique and rare gesture, Mr Prafull said, “I am proud to be an Indian and always thrive to do something for my nation. On the occasion of 50 years of Bilateral relation with Bhutan, I wanted to do something to showcase the bond that India holds with Bhutan hence we thought of presenting this to our fellow Indian in the embassy and we are very much touched with their reaction.”
 This effort taken by Prafull along with his family and friends, did not go unnoticed and was applauded by the Indian Embassy High Commission. This was just the beginning of the celebration, later during the tour Prafull took a bold step of hoisting the Indian National flag on the banks of the riverin Punakha region. This initiative of Prafull Sawant and his family was appreciated by the people of Bhutan too. The strong relationship was clearly visible when the people of Bhutan came together and helped Prafull to hoist the flag, the  the tour guide Yonten Phuntsho, cook Minjur, and the other team from Bhutan went all the out to find  Bamboo and flowers to hoist the flag.  Bhutan Was mesmerized when to see the Indian flag hoisted in their country and as a step forward Prafull felicitated the Bhutan team for their national spirit towards India. After the flag hoisting everybody sang National anthem of India and Bhutan.
Prafull, a true Patriot, had another major achievement earlier this year, when he ran with Indian Tricolour on Republic Day, on another foreign soil in Dubai.
About Neel Achary 19718 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.