Gas-O-Fast, a subsidiary of Delhi-based pharma and wellness company Mankind Pharma, has witnessed 100% growth in lockdown. Gas-O-Fast is known for its natural antacids, is focused on establishing a stronger presence across the nation.
The brand recently associated with Saurabh Shukla and Biswanath Basu as brand ambassadors to tap into new markets, bringing certain credibility on deck for the brand to take advantage of. The brand has been investing in products and marketing to garner a larger pie of the market share in the antacids industry.
The nationwide lockdown has changed the way of living, with the closure of restaurants, clubs and food stalls, according to a report by Google reveals that the month of May searches for food recipes on the Internet jumped by 20%. While there was a restriction on the movement and with more time in hand, people started experimenting with delicacies and coming up with exciting recipes at home. With a considerable change in eating habits and no physical activity and sedentary lifestyle, leading to indigestion with an increase in demand for antacid, and Gas-O-Fast seeing a multifold jump in sales.
On the announcement, Mr. Rajeev Juneja, CEO, Mankind Pharma added “We expect to continue 100% growth in terms of revenues and shall invest in product and marketing to grow the market share.”