Stream Energy Providing Protective Services to its Customers

Over the last 13 years, Stream Energy (now Stream), a Dallas-based company, has been providing energy, wireless, protective, and home services to residential and commercial customers. Founded in 2005 by Rob Snyder and Pierre Koshakji, the company has expanded from purely being an energy provider to add additional services for its customers. Through the expansion of its services and company growth, Stream Energy has generated more than $8 billion in lifetime revenue. Today, Stream Energy is one of the largest direct selling companies in the global energy market.

Stream Energy’s line of services, whether energy or protective, is designed to work together seamlessly to suit the company’s customers’ busy lifestyles. From its home to wireless services, Stream Energy aims to keep customers connected wherever they are. Launched at the company’s annual Ignition 2016 convention at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, Stream Energy’s protective services quickly expanded into a five service lines protecting various aspects of a customer’s lifestyle.

Over the years, the protective services that Stream Energy offers have grown and continued to provide customers with a peace of mind.

In May 2016, when Virtual MD and Roadside Assistance were launched, Dan O’Malley, President and Chief Operating Officer of Stream Energy said, “We are excited to add these new options to Stream’s Protective Services and make them available to our Associates and customers.” He continued by saying, “This product line truly impacts people’s daily lives in areas most don’t always think about, like needing a quick prescription from the doctor or help with changing a flat tire.”

Today, Stream Energy’s protective services cover health, travels, technology, and identity theft, leaving customers worry-free. Living in a digital age, Stream Energy sees the importance of protecting its customers and their families. The company’s unique line of protective service does just that, by offering its customers the following products:

Virtual MD

Stream Energy Providing Protective Services to Its Customers

Allowing customers to access a network of doctors via a phone call or online video call, the Virtual MD product is the perfect product for non-emergency medical assistance. Customers have unlimited, 24/7 access to medical doctors – U.S. Board Certified physicians – which will assist them with their medical needs from the comfort of their home. Because these medical doctors are available via phone or online video, assistance is always just a phone call or click away. This service also gets rid of the stress of copayment and long waits in waiting rooms.

Stream Energy’s medical doctors can also write customers prescriptions for various non-controlled medication which can address health concerns including allergies, infections, inflammation, congestion and skin irritation. Medication includes Amoxicillin™, Augmentin™, Bactrim DS™, Azithromycin™, Cipro™, Diflucan™ and Pyridium™.

Roadside Assistance

Stream Energy Providing Protective Services to Its Customers

As the name suggests, Roadside Assistance gives customers peace of mind when driving. From towing to changing a flat tire, this service is available any time of the day or night. With one call, a Stream Energy customer will have someone on their way to assist them in their time of need. Other 24/7 support features include locksmith services, fuel delivery service, winching from snow, mud or ditches, and jump-starting a car battery. Additionally, this service also offers hotel, car rental, and motorhome rental discounts, as well as a nationwide gas saving locator and new and pre-owned car price quotes.

Identity Protection

Stream Energy Providing Protective Services to Its Customers

Due to the fast-growing crime of identity theft, Stream Energy has created a service that assists customers in safeguarding their identity. According to a study done by Javelin Strategy, the number of identity theft victims in the US rose to 15.4 million in 2016. With Stream Energy’s Identity Protection alerts, customers immediately get notified of suspicious activity through text or email. If your identity is stolen and damages occur, this service protects customers with $1 million ($0 deductible) in identity theft insurance. Besides the personal data misuse monitoring and alerts, this service also offers a full-service identity restoration service, lost wallet assistance, BitDefender Internet Security + Antivirus, and an identity protection resource center. Other monitoring and alert services include a change of address and social security.

Credit Monitoring

credit monitoring

To assist customers in staying on top of their credit, Stream offers a 24/7 credit monitoring service. Through the constant monitoring by three credit bureaus, this service picks up any activity or change on a credit score. The customer will then get notified in real time so they can take action and prevent more harm. This service also provides customers with a review of their past credit history and tracks their credit score monthly.

Tech Support

tech support

With the help of Stream Energy’s Tech Support, customers’ devices will continuously run smoothly with the help of highly skilled technicians who are on standby 24/7. Customers receive 100 GB of triple-encrypted cloud-based storage where customers can back up all their devices, including their computers and cell phones. Backups can be set to automatically backup data daily. This service also comes with BitDefender Internet Security + Antivirus, and access to a self-help library where customers can educate themselves.

Overall, Stream Energy Protective Services provide customers with an opportunity to have a worry-free lifestyle, knowing that every aspect of their life has protection. From credit scores to healthcare, this package of services makes it easier to stay on top of all aspects of life.

With Stream Energy’s continuous willingness to provide customers with innovative services, we can only imagine what the next product in the protective services line will be.

“I couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity that Stream’s new Protective Service line brings to me as an Associate, and to my team. We’ll be able to reach more customers than ever before. The sky’s the limit for Stream,” said Presley Swagerty, Stream Energy Top Leader.

About Neel Achary 19121 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.