India: Wadhwani Foundation today launched a special campaign dedicated to aspiring and existing women entrepreneurs in India and celebrating the indomitable spirit of women entrepreneurs. The campaign, branded as ‘From one Woman Entrepreneur to Another’, shares inspiring and successful stories of women entrepreneurs from different industries and backgrounds, hence motivating women from all parts of the country to come forward and realize their entrepreneurial dreams.
This campaign features a series of video messages from five women entrepreneurs, sharing their entrepreneurial journey from starting a business, building their products and services, overcoming barriers, creating opportunities, and reflecting on what motivated them to start up.
Says Atul Raja, Executive Vice President, Global Marketing at Wadhwani Foundation, “Encouraging and inspiring women entrepreneurs will have a significant impact on our economic progress. Of the 63 million MSMEs in India, only 6 percent are led by women entrepreneurs, and these have mainly resulted from necessities and not opportunities. So, there is a need to unlock the massive untapped potential of women entrepreneurship in India which will provide a boost to job creation and allow social and economic independence for better outcomes at the community level.”