New Delhi– On the occasion of Constitution Day, Ministry of Women and Child Development and UN Women India commemorated India’s constitutional history and contributions of the great women visionaries, with a commitment to uphold the fundamentals of equal and just republic that is enshrined in the country’s foundational charter.
On 26th November 1949, the country took a monumental step in nation-building through the adoption of the Constitution of India. The Indian Constitution is considered one of the most forward-looking and revolutionary charter, where the framers of Indian Constitution set forth fundamental ideologies and written codes that promote equality for all diversities that coexist in India. The charter for the independent Republic of India asserts equality and justice for all and reflects the contributions of the women engineers of the Constitution.
From Dandi March to Simon Commission, from women’s right to vote to voice for the rights of the marginalised, women freedom fighters, educationists, lawyers, reformists, suffragettes and politicians have been inspirational in drafting the ‘New Framework for Life’ that set a strong, common and equal national identity for its proud citizens.
During the welcome address, Anita Bhatia, Assistant Secretary-General & Deputy Executive Director, UN Coordination, Partnerships, Resources and Sustainability, UN Women, made mention that the freedom movement in India brought women to the centre of political life, at a time in history when that was very rare. She added, “I am so proud of this. Their contributions made India a more just and equal society.”
In his opening remarks, Secretary, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Indevar Pandey said, “The history of the Indian struggle would be incomplete without mentioning the contributions of women. The sacrifices made by the women of India will always occupy the foremost place.”
Our freedom movement brought women to the centre of political life, at a time in history when that was very rare. I am so proud of this. Their contributions made India a more just and equal society,”
The celebration included three panel discussions with various government officials, prominent dignitaries and subject matter experts from UN Women India. The topics encompassed ‘Celebrating Unsung Sheroes – An Ode to Women Freedom Fighters’, ‘Women’s Leadership in the Making of the Constitution of India’ and ‘Women Shaping their Future – A vision for the next 25 years’.
Susan Jane Feruguson, UN Women India Country Representative reaffirmed UN Women’s mandate to uphold gender justice and added, “Let’s honour the sheer indomitable will of the women in their country, and everywhere ーpast, present and future, who’ve demonstrated the courage and commitment to bring about a just and equal society.”
In her keynote address, Hon’ble Union Minister, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India, Smt Smriti Zubin Irani said, “We’ve had the opportunity to honour the excellence and determination of so many women of India, especially those women of history who took part in writing the Indian Constitution. This constitution was not given to us. We gave it to ourselves. Let us remind ourselves on Constitution Day the things the Indian Constitution stands for – justice to all, appeasement to none.”
Through the event the Hon’ble Minister guided the audiences to remember the contributions of our Constitution makers and freedom fighters, particularly those of women who are celebrated today, and thousands unrecognised. The event honoured them for shaping an alternative vision of a future where women’s rights are at the centre of a better world for all. The Indian trajectory, from the pre-independence era, has taught the world that women are a foundation for thriving democracies and a catalyst of positive social and legal reform. From individual decisions about work or family life, to collective action for a better world, in political decision-making, in parliaments and in peace negotiations, voices of women and girls are indispensable.