Portraits of Freemason leaders for Telangana area appointed

Hyderabad – Mr. Rajeev Khandelwal, Grand Master, the head of Freemasonry in India unveiled the portrait of Mr. VG Madhusudan, Regional Grand Master of Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India in a function held on Sunday night in the city at Nizam Club. Mr. VG Madhusudan is the head of Freemasonry in South India. The Portrait of Regional Grand Master is unveiled once every three years.

Mr. VG Madhusudan, Regional Grand Master of Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India unveiled the Portraits of Madan Mohanlal, G. Maddulete and D. Ramchandram, the Assistant Regional Grand Masters(ARGMs). These three represent Telangana covering areas such as Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Warangal and Nalgonda. These three leaders are out of the total 22 ARGMs appointed to represent five South Indian states and the state of Goa.

The unveiling of the portraits of the Assistant Regional Grand Master is an annual ritual, as new ARGMs are appointed every year. The portrait unveiling was supposed to have been held in March last year, but shelved the plans due to the Covid. The ARGMs are appointed for one year. But, these three ARGMs tenure is extended by one more year and they were re-appointed recently at the Annual Investititure held online. So, three ARGMs portraits were unveiled on Sunday night at a special function organsied for the purpose at Nizam Club. Well over 100 freemason members from across India graced the function.

Mr. Aneesh Kumar, Grand Master elect, who is also the Regional Grand Master of Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India from New Delhi was felicitated as he recently got elected to be the New Grand Master, Head of Freemasonry in India. He will take over reins from Mr Rajeev Khandelwal at the end of November this year. It was the first visit of Mr Aneesh Kumar to South India soon after got elected for the coveted post.

Three new Masonic leaders appointed and invested for Telangana area Madan Mohan Lal, Madduleti and D. Ramchandram will remain in office for a second term for a year. They are the Assistant Regional Grandmasters (ARGMs) of the 291 years old Freemasons body in the state of Telangana.

Madan Mohanlal is a Lawyer. Maddulete is a retired Insurance professional and D.Ramchandram is a Public Relations practitioner. All the three newly appointed leaders are based at Hyderabad and have over 20 years of experience in Freemasonry. Before their appointment they served the organization in various capacities.

The Grand Lodge of India (GLI) is the main governing body of Freemasonry within India. The GLI is divided into four different regions—North, South, East and West. And South India is the biggest Region in India.

Freemasonry is known as a Character Building Organisation. It teaches Kindness in the home, Love for one another, Courtesy in society, Resistance towards evil, Help for the weak, Pity and concern for the unfortunate, Forgiveness for the penitent, Fairness in work, Honesty in business, and above all, Reverence and Love for God. Freemasonry is a Way of Life. It seeks to make good men better and thereby make the world a better place in which to live.

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest secular fraternal societies. It is a world-wide organization. It came to India in 1730 with officers of the East India Company holding their meetings in Fort William, Calcutta.

Freemasonry has been in existence In Hyderabad, since 1810. It has 23 lodges (branches) in the twin cities of Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Warangal and Nalgonda with about 800 members.

Locally notable Freemasons include Salar Jung Bahadur, P. Ashok Gajapathi Raju, Sir Terrence Keys – the British Resident, Raja Venkata Ram Reddy, Nawab Mehdi Nawaz Jang and Nawab Ali Yavar Jang Bahadur, who became Governors of Gujarat and Maharashtra, Bakshi Raghunath Pershad, Syed Mohd. Bilgrami, Nawab Shamsher Jung Bahadur, Meher Ali Fazil, Nawab Bashir Yar Yung, Raja Rajwant Bahadur, Syed Hali Ali.