Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Tuesday launched technology-driven and citizen friendly ‘Mo Bus’ services. The Capital Region Urban Transport (CRUT) is the authority body to operate the bus services. It is dedicated to the public on the occasion of Diwali. As per media reports, the bus service will cover nine routes in the first phase connecting Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri. The commuters can book their ticket and track the exact location of the bus.
#Bhubaneswar The stage is all set for the launch of #MoBus. The services will commence from today with the roll out of 100 brand new buses in phase1 covering a total of 9 routes. pic.twitter.com/w5aY2AHn5F
— Capital Region Urban Transport (@CRUT_BBSR) November 6, 2018