Gamer Parents – Here’s How To Pass Gaming On To Your Kids In The Healthiest Way

Photo by Anton Porsche:

As of this year, there are an estimated 2.58 billion gamers worldwide, and many of them are parents. Parents love passing on their hobbies to their kids, but when it comes to playing video games, there are health risks including eye strain, poor posture, lack of physical activity, and potential addiction.. 

That’s why Al Alof and the team at Chick’s Gold, an online gaming virtual goods platform, have put together a list of tips for parents looking to make their kids healthy – and happy – gamers. By setting good examples, parents can teach their children to get the most out of gaming, without the negative aspects that often come along with it. 

Game Together As A Family

Family gaming can be a ton of fun and allows parents to supervise kids while gaming and model healthy habits. Designate a specific night each week for everyone to enjoy gaming together, playing cooperative games where teamwork, rather than competition, is the name of the game. 

“Games like Overcooked!, Mario Kart, and Minecraft are brilliant for family gaming,” says Alof. “Game nights are a great way to be together and social while also doing the thing you all love.”

Set Time Limits (With Flexibility)

Establishing clear rules for how much gaming time is allowed during the week, such as one hour on school nights, will help kids spend time on their hobby while not overly impacting their other responsibilities. Allow kids more time for gaming on weekends or holidays to show them how they can use their break time to kick back and relax.

Create A Burgeoning Game Designer

If a kid loves to play games, chances are they might also be interested in designing them. Introduce kids to tools like Scratch, Roblox Studio, or Unity, which allow them to create their own games. This allows them to express their creativity while teaching coding basics. 

“You could sit down with your child to brainstorm game ideas together,” suggests Alof. “Not only could this become a career for them, but coding skills are one of the most in-demand skills employers are looking for at the moment. Teaching them coding will set them up for a job in almost any industry, not just gaming.”

Link Gaming To Real-Life Skills

Identify transferable skills that are developed through gaming, such as strategic thinking from strategy games, problem-solving in puzzles, or communication in multiplayer titles. 

Use games as learning tools by choosing titles that teach specific subjects, like maths games or history-based adventures. “You could relate the content of these games to what your child is learning in school,” says Alof. 

Explore Gaming Culture Together

Attend local gaming conventions, tournaments, or community events together, helping kids see the social side of gaming and meet others with similar interests. Parents could also encourage their kids to bring out their creative side and practice art and creative writing skills by creating fan art, stories, or videos based on their favourite games.

Teach Healthy Gaming Habits

Teach kids the importance of taking regular breaks by using timers or apps as reminders. During these breaks, encourage them to stretch or take a short walk to stay physically active. Discuss the importance of eye health, introducing the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes of screen time, they should look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. 

Finished Chores = Gaming Time

Another great way to teach kids how to balance responsibilities with hobby time is to award an amount of gaming time for each completed chore. Make a chore chart where each completed task earns points that can be redeemed for gaming time. “Be transparent about the system, making sure your child understands how to earn points,” says Alof. 

Model Good Behavior

Kids are like little sponges; whatever their parents do, they’re likely to copy it. By modelling good gaming habits, such as setting limits on their own gaming time, engaging in physical activity, and balancing gaming with other responsibilities, parents demonstrate the importance of a healthy lifestyle and provide an example for their kids to follow. 

“Show your child how to handle wins and losses gracefully, promoting good sportsmanship and respect,” advises Alof. “By practising what you preach, kids are more likely to pick up on good habits.”

Al Alof from Chick’s Gold commented:

“While gaming can be a valuable tool for learning, it can also become an obsession if not managed properly. Encouraging children to explore a variety of interests helps them develop a diverse skill set. Parents should try to create opportunities for their children to try new things, whether it’s a local sports team or a community art class. 

“Open communication is key; discussing the importance of a healthy, balanced lifestyle with your children encourages them to make healthier choices about how they spend their leisure time.”

About Neel Achary 20765 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.