Hyderabad, September 22, 2020… A.K. Mittal, Secretary-General of World Blind Union; the President, All India Confederation of the Blind (AICB)passed away today at Delhi
The Indian Visually Challenged Community lost a great leader. Born visually challenged he fought for the welfare of the fellow visually challenged people in the country. He represented India in several international forums.
He was the Director of NIVH , The National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Visual Disabilities (Divyangjan), a premier Institute in the field of visual disability working under the administrative control of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India. He is a doyen. With his death, India lost a great visually challenged leader said Padma Shri JL Kaul, the Secretary-General All India Confederation of the Blind in a press note issued in the city today.
AK Mittal was the Member of the World Braille Council said Sri Ponugoti Chokka Rao, Telugu Blind Man who is Secretary of 41 years old National Body, All India Confederation of The Blind. Ratham Swami Naik, Central Executive Council Member AICB, and several other leaders of the community expressed their condolences to the departed leader Shri AK Mittal has brought several reforms, Government Orders, and Circulars, etc.
He has been AICB President since 2007. We are paying rich tributes giving tributes with heavy heart and tears said AICB local members G. Anjaiah, K.Srinivas, G. Mounika, and Rathla Swami Naik, CEC Member