How to Plan a Corporate Retirement Party: Tips to Send Them Off in Style

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Retirement is a milestone in any individual’s life that is worth celebrating. Although it comes with cold feet, such as fear of missing out on office fun, the retirement age allows retirees to engage in activities they have postponed for years due to work schedules.

Companies with a good employee recognition culture usually give their retirees an award to show appreciation for their contribution to the organization’s growth and success. Some retirement award examples include award plaques and all-expense paid vacation.

While retirees eagerly await their retirement date, the person assigned to handle the office retirement party may be having the worst day of their life. Generally, party planning can be daunting. However, when it comes to retirement parties, it can be more challenging.

This is because most people attending will likely be your colleagues, and you are under pressure not to disappoint. In case this is your present predicament, relax. This article will highlight tips for planning a memorable corporate retirement party.

1. Research the retire

Understanding the retiree can help you decide on the kind of party they will want. If you know little about them, ask their colleagues for more information. Research how long they have been with the company and their notable contributions.

Ask the retiree about their fondest memory on the job. Let them tell you their idea of a perfect send-off party.

2. Set a budget

Obtain the maximum amount allowed to be spent for the party. Write down everything you need, including food, drinks, decorations, entertainment, and rentals.

After your retirement celebration budget, set aside 20 percent of the total estimated expenses for miscellaneous; this will help you remain prepared for emergencies during the event.

To help keep your spending within the budget, identify priority activities.

3. Decide on venue

The perfect venue for a retirement party depends on several factors, including your budget, the number of expected guests, the retiree’s personality, and the nature of the industry the person is retiring from.

Some of the venues to consider include:

  • The Office: This is best for a casual party with few attendees. You can do a minor decoration of the office room you intend to use.
  • Home: A friend’s or family member’s home is another place to use, especially if they have a backyard big enough for a small party.
  • Restaurant: You can reserve a private room at a good restaurant. The establishment can help with the menu and setup. It can also reduce after-party stress for you as their staff will be the ones to clean up.
  • Halls: If you are planning a large gathering of friends, co-workers, and family members, a rented hall or hotel ballroom might be great.
  • Outdoor locations: For a unique retirement celebration, consider hire a boat for your next Sydney party, perfect for beach or poolside festivities.

4. Make a guest list

Your guest list should not be limited to work colleagues. Include some family members of the retiree, like their partner.

Also, find out about people they have worked with, especially their favorite bosses and colleagues, even if they have retired. Surprise them with the presence of these people at the party.

5. Set a theme for the party

With many years behind the desk, a boring retirement party is an injustice to the retiree. Decide on a fun theme for the party. Ask people who have attended one before for some ideas.

The retiree’s favorite hobby, celebrity, and artist can also give you an insight into the theme to choose for the party. Some of the themes you may consider include:

  • Travel
  • Mountain getaways
  • Favorite sport
  • Throwback
  • Tropical
  • Karaoke

For themes like travel or mountain getaways, you do not necessarily have to organize the party at the retiree’s favorite vacation spot, as budget and time may not afford such.

You can adorn the event space with banners and pictures that set the theme for the party.

6. Raise money for the event

Food and decoration can be expensive. First, determine who is funding the party. If it is the company and your estimation exceeds the assigned budget, talk to the person in charge to see if it can be increased.

Another way to raise funds for a retirement party is by asking work colleagues for donations. Avoid using your personal money for the planning with the hope of getting it back later. It is better to spend within the available budget than above.

7. Card signing

As each guest arrives at the party, ask them to write a fond memory they have of the retiree–either work-related or personal. Set aside time to read each of the cards during the party.

8. Host a trivia contest

To spice up the event, host a trivia contest about the retiree. Include workplace-related and less personal questions like what they kept on their desk, their favorite sports club, vacation spot, and what they will likely do after retirement.

For better engagement, include a reward for anyone who gets the answers right and a prize for the person who answers the most questions correctly.