Philanthropist Venisha Arnold Founder of The Nonprofit Organization Persistence is The Key Continues to Inspire & Giveback

Austin, TX, August 09, 2023-– Philanthropist & Speaker Venisha Arnold (she is a lawyer by profession) recently launched The Arnold Foundation/Henry’s Place a scholarship fund in memoriam to her late Father who was also a lawyer. The first scholarships will be given away in the Fall of 2023. Thereafter scholarships will be given away every academic semester.

Since 2017, Venisha continues her efforts to inspire others with the launch of The Arnold Foundation/Henry’s Place and her podcast aptly named after her first philanthropic venture “Persistence is The Key! The Podcast” which debuted in late 2020 after the election of our first woman Vice-President.

Thus, with everything occurring in the world from a global pandemic to social injustice, Venisha wants people to continue to have hope and never give up on their goals and dreams.

“For example the election of our first woman Vice-President Kamala Harris,” Venisha said. “That is such an amazing feat and this occurred right in the middle of a pandemic, on my podcast I have interviewed some very inspiring women some were candidates for the US Senate & the US Congress and still are! They are graduates of Harvard Law and Northwestern Law. Another guest we attended the same law school but at different times she graduated number 3 in her class! So my goal with The Arnold Foundation is to assist and inspire the next generation of lawyers.”

Venisha says she is just getting started and has so much more she wants to do regarding her philanthropic causes.

“I have so many ideas I mean I could truly be a full-time philanthropist but other things have to fall in place first but for now I do what I can with the time I have and yes I am having fun doing this giving back brings me joy.”

At the end of the day, Venisha wants to leave people with a message of courage, hope, inspiration and of course persistence. “Look, you only have one life, so live it to the fullest, get everything you want in life, the life I live today is the life I planned as I always say Never Settle Persistence is The Key!”