Teachers of KIIT World School Visited Scotland for education exchange program

Teachers of KIIT World School Visited Scotland for education exchange program

Teachers from KIIT World School, visited their partner school Waid Academy in Scotland. To strengthen their partnership, the visit was planned as a part of an exchange program. The school is offering these programs to help students extend their perspectives and challenge the preconceived cultural biases and ideas with which they have been raised. This session was intended to discuss teaching strategies while also exchanging ideas to expand projects on global climate change.

During this, members from both organizations interacted with each other. The teachers took on the role of “students” and observed the classroom practices at Waid Academy. Additionally, they participated in meetings with school mentors and learned about new approaches to teaching that place more emphasis on the development of the students than on reinforcing memorization techniques. In order to help students develop into responsible individuals, they also discussed how to make them aware about global issues.

Speaking on this, Neelima Kamrah, Principal of KIIT World School, said, “Exchange programs open doors to the opportunities as the teachers learn teaching techniques. The kids’ horizons have been greatly expanded as a result of being a part of this partnership, and they can now observe things better. We want to make students understand their responsibility as a citizen.”