The Government of Odisha has selected the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) as the National Industry Partner for the 3rd edition of ‘Make in Odisha’, the flagship event of government of Odisha which showcases the state as an industrial powerhouse and a preferred investment destination in the country.
Today a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on a virtual platform, in presence of Sri. Naveen Patnaik, Hon’ble Chief Minister Odisha, between IPICOL, the nodal investment promotion and industrial facilitation agency of Govt of Odisha and FICCI for investment promotion and investor outreach activities to be undertaken leading up to the next edition of Make in Odisha Conclave.
Captain Dibya Shankar Mishra, Minister of Energy, Industries, Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of Odisha; Dr. Sangeeta Reddy, President FICCI, senior officials of state govt and FICCI were present on the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion, Hon’ble Chief Minister said, “The Make in Odisha Conclaves in 2016 and 2018 brought in a significant increase in the quantum of new investments to Odisha and helped create a diversified industrial base in the State. As a result, the state has established itself as one of the premier investment destinations in the country.
Odisha continues to remain an attractive investment destination even after the impact of COVID -19 across the globe. Even during these trying times, the state has attracted over Rs. 24,300 crore worth of new investments since February 2020”. Further, he said that “my government has a vision of making Odisha an investment destination of choice nationally, as well as globally.
The positive policy framework, robust infrastructure, skilled human resources and result oriented administrative set up will help Odisha realizing this vision. With the signing of MoU with FICCI today for investment promotion, I am sure that we will take the next leap in terms of industrial growth and development”.
Due to the unprecedented situation arising out of COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions related to travel, exhibitions, conferences and public gathering in its wake, the state government has decided to continue investment outreach activities on virtual platforms, in the shape of webinars and virtual meetings with prospective investors till the time the situation is ripe for undertaking Make in Odisha activities in physical form.
The decision regarding the revised dates and manner in which the Make in Odisha Conclave will be conducted will be decided by the Govt. at an appropriate time, taking into account the emerging Covid situation and the relevant guidelines of Central Government.