Individual counselling of boys and girls done in both international hostels of CCSHAU

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agriculture University – Individual Counselling of Boys and girls done in Both International Hostels

Prof. K.P. Singh, Vice Chancellor of Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University provided guidelines to the university authorities where he advised them to provide continuous online study material to students and for individual counselling of […]

'One-to-One Counselling' Organized for Parents and their Wards at CCSHAU's PG Married Hostel

VC Prof. K.P. Singh interacts with University Officials through video conferencing- necessary guidelines were issued

The honorable Vice-Chancellor, Chaudhary Charan Singh Agricultural University Prof. K.P. Singh communicated with all University Officials including the OSD, the Registrar, the SMO, the University Hospital etc. via video conferencing on education, research, extension education […]

SG Analytics commits Rs. 65 lacs, with over Rs. 17 lacs contributed by its employees towards relief efforts for Coronavirus pandemic

‘Lakshman Rekha’ must not be crossed

Prof. K.P. Singh, Vice-Chancellor, CCSHAU has asked the university members to strictly adhere to Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji’s guidelines and help the government in its fight against the novel coronavirus. The Hon’ble Prime […]