Hyderabad: IIIT-Hyderabad’s annual R&D showcase will take place this weekend on 7th and 8th March. The 2-day event is a great opportunity for the general public to interact with faculty and students and understand their work in more tangible forms through demos, prototypes and presentations in keeping with the institute’s endeavour to promote applied research that benefits society.
Currently in its 19th edition, the event has grown from strength year–on-year and attracts more than 3,000 visitors from research, academia, media and industry. There will be over 200 demos, models and posters for visitors to browse through.
March 8, being Women’s Day, we are celebrating it as a ‘Women in Tech’ day, honouring women from academia, research, industry and start-ups, who can be role models to our students. Women leaders will take the stage with inaugural talks, panel discussion, roundtable brainstorming and interactive sessions with the students.
In parallel to the showcase are keynote talks by Gopalakrishnan S, Additional Secretary, MEITY and Arun K. Pati, Professor (H) Harish-Chandra Research Institute. Several panel discussions on topics ranging from Convergence of Hardware & Software to Quantum Computing as well as roundtables on ML in Drug Discovery etc. have been organized.