Spartanburg, SC, August 31, 2023 — Alli Wheeler, a mother of three children, has completed her new book “The Adventures of Winnie the Wonder Dog: With a Special Guest Appearance by Scotty the Snake”: a pleasant children’s story that follows Winnie, a delightful Boston terrier.
Winnie daily encounters with the animals that live around her home, and she learns the importance of Scotty as the protector of the yard.
Author Alli Wheeler loves children and animals and was inspired to write this book after Winnie joined the family as a puppy in July 2022.
Wheeler writes, “I learned Scotty was a kind of snake called an Eastern kingsnake. I noticed that he had stripes sort of like me!”
She continues, “That day, Scotty and I promised to be respectful of each other so that he can do his job of protecting our yard, and I can continue doing my job of being Winnie the Wonder Dog!”